
Results 11 issues of zhaoyun007

身无立锥 拼音应该是 shen 项目错写为sheng

https://github.com/zhaoyun0071/LAMA-Magic-Eraser-Local This is the local version of LAMA by PyQt5,any Windows user can use it directly without any python envrioment offline 。

keras.backend.image_data_format() 原作者注释写成'channels_first' 不过现在 都是last了,

看Windows使用配置困难,做个包吧,内置15个模型,解压就能用,不用环境配置 https://github.com/zhaoyun0071/DragGAN-Windows-GUI

将"preprocess\humanparsing\modules\functions.py"中的内容替换如下,可以跑起来。 ``` from os import path import torch.distributed as dist import torch.autograd as autograd _src_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), "src") # Activation names ACT_RELU = "relu" ACT_LEAKY_RELU = "leaky_relu" ACT_ELU = "elu"...


outpainting is very interesting does diffusers support it?


伟大的工作,做了个解压即用的工具,不用配置环境 https://github.com/zhaoyun0071/IDM-VTON-windows-GUI