
Results 21 issues of zhaoxvwahaha

Hi, The following 2 commands work well when I only install gggenes, but after installed the gggenomes, the command didn't work and get errors: p

Hi, ffindex_from_fasta broken off because of the following error, the output looks like imcomplete, anyone konw the reason and solution: $ffindex_from_fasta -s segment_fas.ff{data,index} combine.segment.faa data file: segment_fas.ffdata index file: segment_fas.ffindex...

No bin directory generated when compile from source code following the intrduciton from wiki, but the ffindex* binaries are in the directory ./build/lib/ffindex/src/, and other other binaries such as hhblits_mpi...

my query is multiple different protein, if it could be as the input directly for hhblits, or must I split them into many files with each sequence in it

Hi, The following 2 commands work well when I only install gggenes, but after installed the gggenomes, the command didn't work and get errors: > p p+geom_gene_arrow(arrow_body_height = unit(10, "mm"),arrowhead_height...

Hi, I have some quesionts about the "subject super kindoms " when specify the -outfmt "6 ... sskingdoms", the following are the type of sskingdoms in my output, what's the...

Hi, Why completely identical sequence are assigned to different group by Roary? Anybody could give me a help? Thanks in advance.

Hi, 1. I assembly contig by Flye and the result file could tell me which contig is circular. 2. Then I do some polishes by racon+medaka+pilon, and get different contigs...

Should we do polish(racon+pilon) or circlator first,any suggestion?

@tseemann Hi Torsten Seemann, Thank you very much for your wonderful Prokka, I used it to annotation my bacteria before, now I would like to use it on my metatranscriptome...