Shane Zhao
Shane Zhao
您好,我尝试将您实现的感受野计算工具迁移至mmdetv2中去,但一直计算出错 尝试retinanet感受野计算,报以下错 Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 45, in analyze_receptive(cfg, input_shape, index) File "tools/", line 36, in analyze_receptive calc_receptive_filed(model, input_shape, index) File "/home/zhaoxin/workspace/mmdetection/tools/../mmdet/core/utils/", line 103, in calc_receptive_filed...
First of all thank the author for sharing such an excellent work! When browsing the code, I found that there is a loop call in the get_targets function, is this...
Thanks to open source for such amazing work, it makes me see the future of stable video output. I tried some videos with fast-moving characters,like [youtube]( and found that the...
Thanks for sharing such an excellent work. The code ran stably within a few hours after I deployed it on my computer. But after more than ten hours, the error...