Shane Zhao
Shane Zhao
Hi,thanks for sharing your work, this helps me a lot. When I scan your code, I have some confusion about your implement of denseblock.It is not implemented as a sensenet...
Hi,I find a bug in The Image package use w,h mode. However, the precessed image is a tensor with 1,c,h,w. So,the order of w and h need to be...
Thank you very much for sharing such a great work, the code is also very nice! I try run GCN-V on my own dataset, I found that the clustering effect...
First of all, FairMOT is a very good job, very good at tracking effectiveness and efficiency. I want to apply this work with cross-camera tracking, but need to verify the...
Hi, It is a very nice job ! here I have some confusion about the usage of ground_truth. I want to augment the image and it's masks(here every image has...
First of all, CenterNet is a very meaningful work, and the author has also done a wealth of experimental papers on the effectiveness of this work. I tried to use...
I am trying to migrate TSD to mmdet2.0, anything is ok when training faster_rcnn_TSD only on sigle GPU. When I run TSD with DDP, some error happened. Similar error [#2153](
Excellent job, but I have a question. When there is a large area of sky in the picture with little texture, can the key point detection model based on CNN...
In quantization,“We insert BN after the converted 3x3 conv layers because QAT with torch.quantization requires BN”. I wonder why QAT must need BN after conv, if we don't have BN,just...