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Fast and precise comparison of genomes and metagenomes (in the order of terabytes) on a typical personal laptop
Just to take a note here that we can have faster popcount than the scalar popcount from GCC compiler: We may need to do it to have SIMD version,...
Hi, Dr Zhao: Does bindash have option to filter out low coverage or low quality Kmers in fastq file? I believe these Kmers will bias distance estimation Many thanks
Hi, I tried to use bindash to process my fasta data. I first used the following command: ./bindash sketch mydata.fas --outfname=genomeA.sketch The mydata.fas file size is about 50M, containing more...
Thanks for your work on BinDash! I am interested in using BinDash2.0 as a replacement for Mash. Is there a particular commit I should build to try it? If it...
Currently the "install with bioconda" icon in the README links to rather than