Zhaonian Luan
Zhaonian Luan
may need to maintain a session for logged in user.
2 scopes for the whole app: Authentication scope + Main scope (which contains profile, repo and stuff)
look into OAuth: https://auth0.com/docs/connections/social/github
login animation: https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/android/view/ViewAnimationUtils.html
> look into OAuth: > https://auth0.com/docs/connections/social/github https://github.com/zhaonian/GHub/pull/27
need a BaseActivity for authentication checking in all activities and some basic UI handling such as loading
look into Fastlane? https://medium.com/pink-room-club/android-continuous-integration-using-fastlane-and-circleci-2-0-part-i-7204e2e7b8b
decide to use v3 REST with retrofit for now. will migrate to v4 GraphQL with Apollo later, maybe.
@mastermoo thanks! can you please publish a new release with this issue fixed?