
Results 12 issues of zhaoli-IHEP

We just found a very strange behavior for BigFloat. The BigFloat(2.1) always shows 2.0 as result. However, when we tried BigFloat(2.1)-BigFloat(2.0), we can see BigFloat(2.1) actually has been converted into...

display and printing

Hello. We are trying to read a JLD file directly. However, the @code_warntype gives warning that the returned result of read() is ::Any, and consequently the length of the string...

"make" is okay but not for "make check". flint has successfully passed "make" and "make check". Here is the error message ``` partitions_fmpz_ui_threaded....warning: newton_refine_root: improvement failed make[1]: *** [../build/partitions/test/t-partitions_fmpz_ui_threaded_RUN] Segmentation...

We have seen this failed case ``` using SymEngine @vars x expr = (2*x+3*x^2)/(3*x+4*x^2) series(expr, x, 0, 1) ``` This gives zoo, but it obviously should be 2/3+(1/9)*x.

We were trying to calculate like `(1-x)*(2-x)*(3-x)*...*(10-x)`. And now we use `(1:10).-x`, which in fact gives in REPL `1 - x:1:10 - x`. However, it seems we cannot directly use...

For example ```julia @vars a b x y @funs f g ex1 = f(a,b) ex2 = subs( ex1, f(x_,y_), g(x_+y_) ) # maybe some wildcard for the arguments? ``` An...

After some calculation, the expression just become equal to a symbol. But the struct constructor seems copied something different. What is this happening here? And what is the proper approach...

For example, ```julia @vars x f = 1+x+x^2 println( degree(f,x) ) # something like this? ``` Or does it mean I have to write a function by myself?

In our code, there are lots of operations like `mat1 += mat2*mat3` for the objects MatrixSpace. For example ``` using Nemo const precision_digits = 256 const precision_bits = round(Int64, precision_digits*log(10)/log(2)...

We were testing some native functions. And we just found a confusing behavior. As shown in the following code, after setting the coefficient zero as "setcoeff!( x, 0, zero(CC) )",...