Results 12 comments of Zhao Cai

I just tried `:Unite outline:foldings`. AS you said, it is still experimental. Two problems I found so far: 1. It seems not working when the `{{{1` has text afterwards. 2....

> unite-outline uses foldlevel() to extract foldings, so it doesn't work unless these options are set on your buffer. `foldlevel()` works just fine. But the headings will only be generated...

Cannot read Japanese... (^^;;

@suziwen `mp4` 的视频传到图床也用不了, 例如: `%[](` 到底应该怎么使用呢?

> @zhaocai 要打开视频语法开关,系统默认是关闭的。 > > > > ![image]( @suziwen 我确认是打开了视频语法开关的,显示出来的就是一个视频播放的界面,但是时间显示为0,所有的按钮都是灰掉无效的。 我上面写的链接你试试看能用吗?

> 可以的,只是你的不是视频,是音频。 > ![image]( 是mp4的视频啊,你可以把链接下载下来看。

Thanks. Sorry for the late response. I did not check any code for a month. I use `bundle` instead of `/usr/bin/bundle` so that people can use the active ruby instead...

please be more specific.

> terminating the ssh tunnel in alfred is very difficult with bash (using 'expect' and all that). why expect? because you need to enter password?