> juicer pre hic-to-contigs.bin scaffolds_final.agp contigs.fa.fai | sort -k2,2d -k6,6d -T ./ --parallel=8 -S32G | awk 'NF' > alignments_sorted.txt.part) && (mv alignments_sorted.txt.part alignments_sorted.txt I have also encountered the same problem,have...
When I ran the last step, the log file told me that there was a problem with the data in the out.hic [I::main_pre] Version: 1.2 [I::main_pre] CMD: juicer pre yahs.out.bin...
This command line I use seems to be the version you recommend java -jar -Xmx64G /public/home/yudunyang/Tools/juicer-1.6/CPU/common/juicer_tools.1.9.9_jcuda.0.8.jar pre alignments_sorted.txt out.hic.part scaffolds_final.chrom.sizes 2024-07-18 19:52:54 "c-zhou" ***@***.***> 写道: java.lang.RuntimeException: No reads in Hi-C...
The file for scaffold sizes should contain two columns - scaffold name and scaffold size, which can be taken from the first two columns of the FASTA index file. #...