你好,我想问一下,可以用voxceleb2数据集训练吗? @YongLiuZJU
您好,我想修改测试的batchsize,只是修改_p_net = std::unique_ptr{ new YoloV3(1, _yolo_info, _infer_param) };这里好像不行,请问还有别的地方需要修改吗 @enazoe
Hello, when I tested, I found that the effect was not good when the distance changed between the face and the camera in the driving video. Do you have any...
Hello, have you counted the number of parameters and flops of this model?I want to count these two parameters to see if I can use this model on the embedded...
Hello, you can train such a good model, what parameters do you mainly adjust, can you share your experience?
你好,我看你对神经网络没做修改,我想咨询一下,你的输入数据的尺寸是多大? @HypoX64
您好,我想用您的工程在YOLO-v3上,是不是要修改检测部分的代码,具体怎么修改能给一些建议吗 @ @TLESORT
你好,我用你的代码在ms1m数据集上训练两个版本,一个kl_lambda设置为0,一个为0.01,发现两种设置对测试精度的影响不大,请问您给一些建议吗 @jielu361