I suggests that Kivy should have APIs for using kinds of pay solutions, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay......
正常时是可行的, 但是用于连接google play时(google三件套此时已经下载好了) 会出现很奇怪的bug 那就是连接google play games已经在连接了(因为显示了代表正在连接的loading图标) 但是,没过几秒钟后,就会shadowsocks自动断开连接 最终导致无法正常登录使用google play
Hellow, ejanzer, nice to meet you. Your "chi_sim.traineddata" is very great. Where did you get this data? I have seen and tested many files called "chi_sim.traineddata", but just your "chi_sim.traineddata"...