to @pengwei1024 可以把你的attribute_setters.xml文件贴出来看看吗?我猜测是否是xml文件有改动?
是否是因为没有添加FooterView 的缘故呢?看你的代码应该是recyclerView的初始化的步骤少了什么
I find the resolution of this Issue: `fdet.findFaces(bmp, fullResults);` We should ensure the width and height of bitmap are even. It works for me. `gray8toRGB32(grayBuff, previewWidth, previewHeight, rgbs); Bitmap bitmap...
But I find this project cost too much CPU resources (15~20% CPU), I'm trying to find a high performance method to detect faces。
降低你的gradle 版本 然后fix下gradle 的settings
when two threads attempt to write to the database at the same time, the SQLiteDatabase will lock itself down, ensuring that one will wait until the other has completed.//当两个线程尝试同时向database写入的时候,SQLiteDatabase会把自身lock,确保只有一个线程可以获取资源,其他的线程必须等待到资源释放.