Qiang Zhang
Qiang Zhang
Google has api for doing this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11569731
这个rank的可靠性感觉很低啊。我试着筛选唐诗top 100,里面竟然一首李白的诗都没有。 ```python import json import os from tqdm.notebook import tqdm import heapq root_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "rank") rank_key = "baidu" # keep top 1000 only number_items = 100 top1000 =...
I no longer have time to work on this.
@papar22 yes, but I also check the website hosting the data (http://www.statmt.org/wmt15/translation-task.html), which has a statistics of BLEU for all language pairs over all dataset. The cs to en, still...
@orhanf thanks for your explanation. But I still doubt why the difference is so huge, even considering I have less data and less tricks. However, I realized they may have...
@tnq177 interesting. I may need to try en-fr instead.
> @zhangtemplar > > Thanks for your works! > > Since the `ESP32-A1S-Audio-kit` is not an espressif official development board, this PR may need to be discussed. Happy to discuss.
> Got the voip example working thanks to this PR. The sound quality is horrible. is it normal? is the sound quality acceptable for supported boards? I didn't test the...
> Thanks for sharing! Is there anything that can be done to make the other buttons work? I realized it is a malfunction of my board. When I compared my...
No I mean the purchase price of the option.