Results 11 issues of GAN

我按照您的提示下载了CelebAmask-HQ数据集,但是我不知道img_path, label_path, target_path之类的具体怎么设置,您可以给我一个示例吗?我是初学者。此外,Label_path这个我也不太会,我下载的文件里没有label标签文件,难道是mapping.txt?但是我设置了这个之后,提示我没有这个路径。谢谢作者大大。

I want to reproduce your H + G, A + G and other multi-attribute translation images. So, Can you give me some help? Thank you very much, Your work is...

错误是:IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 0-dimensional, but 1 were indexed 我试着改过,但改了几种都不行,这个和step的值有关,step设置多少,就在训练到多少的时候出错。 期待您的回答,谢谢您。


TypeError: '020001.jpg' has type , but expected one of: ((,),) tf1.15 python2.7/3.6

您好,我使用AFHQ数据集训练模型。在使用preprocessors文件夹的custom.py的时候,报错'Namespace'object has no attribute 'imgs',在参数定义中也没看见--imgs定义。请问这块该怎么改呢,谢谢谢谢。

This work is so excellent, but i have some question. As the demo shows, how can i get the horse2zebra video. thank you.

This work is so excellent, but i have some question. How can i get the horse2zebra video as the demo shows. Thank you.
