
Results 21 comments of zhangnew

可以自己手动 hook `com.tencent.wcdb.database.SQLiteDatabase` 里面的 `insert` 方法

@keller0 or you can try `cheat.sh`

Thx, I resolved this by delete this file : `~/Library/Application Support/com.clipy-app.Clipy/default.realm`

README 已经说了,不支持多设备同步 https://github.com/suxiaogang/WeiboPicBed#-%E6%9C%80%E5%B8%B8%E8%A2%AB%E9%97%AE%E5%88%B0%E7%9A%84%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98

I had this problem, too. And I tried tmux 2.6 and tmux 2.7, all failed. I tried tmux 2.3, show download plugin failed, then I found that I can't use...

https://github.com/binux/qiandao/blob/master/web/handlers/login.py#L59 这里自己稍稍改动一下就可以了(最简单粗暴的直接 return

Can this commit be merged ?

兄弟你还是没弄明白 `pull request` 是干嘛用的呀

