### Description I had succeed to install the plugin and start it,but when i touch the "preview skeleton page",I got an error named on the title.I wander if this plugin...
该插件是否支持hash url?
版本信息: "@megalo/api": "0.5.6", "@megalo/vhtml-plugin": "^0.1.2", "megalo": "0.10.1", 主要遇到的问题是: 页面级的mounted钩子会最先触发,而页面内组件的mounted钩子是按照vue官方的子先触发,父后触发的顺序,请问这个是megola的特性吗? 实例: A页面钩子 mounted:()=>{console.log(‘page A mounted’)} (A页面内组件) component B 钩子 mounted:()=>{console.log(‘component B mounted’)} 组件 component B 子组件C 钩子 mounted:()=>{console.log(‘component C mounted’)} 触发顺序...