Hai Zhang
Hai Zhang
You cannot hide an anchoring FAB on start, neither using visibility nor using alpha, neither in XML nor in Java. And I don't believe it is the intended behavior to...
The error from looking glass is: ``` TypeError: this._onKeyPressed is undefined ```
为 RecyclerView 和其他视图添加快速滚动支持,高度可定制并且自带默认和 MD2 两种主题。 项目地址:https://github.com/zhanghai/AndroidFastScroll
开源的 Material Design 文件管理器,继承 Cabinet 的设计,基于 Java NIO2 文件 API、Linux 系统调用和 LiveData 构建。 项目地址:https://github.com/zhanghai/MaterialFiles/blob/master/README_zh-CN.md
After some recent updates on my Arch Linux, I suddenly discovered that my fingerprint login is no longer working. I deleted my already-enrolled fingerprints and found that I wasn't able...
Hi, recently I discovered this library and it would be very handy if I can integrate this into my android studio project. > From https://github.com/ManuelPeinado/RefreshActionItem/issues/11 > > It would be...
It will be jumping between items when fast scrolling though.
- [ ] Refactor methods specific to my own app. - [ ] Add JavaDoc