Gong Zhang
Gong Zhang
Hi @dougbtv, As k8s is already working on dual-stack support, I'm wondering if there's any plan or expected date to support dual stack for whereabouts? Thanks! I'm asking since we...
There's a script provided by image-builder project that is used to build CAPV OVAs, it may help you to leverage `cloud-init` to login the VM with ssh key. Please find...
Took a quick try with `StorageResourceManager` in CAPV, there's a problem with `fullclone` mode (VirtualMachineRelocateDiskMoveOptionsMoveAllDiskBackingsAndConsolidate), it needs more investigation about the failure. Please find more details in https://github.com/vmware/govmomi/issues/3138 > >...
/assign I would like to work on it.
Some investigation about this issue: - Briefly CAPV will check if user are using specific datastore or storage policy(our case), if using storage policy, randomly pick one and the create...
Currently for cached session, capv will do following checks and report errors if any, so I assume this issue is no longer existed. https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-vsphere/blob/main/pkg/session/session.go#L131-L142 @srm09 WDYT?
Another problem related to the port definition is some role in scf have conflict port number with Istio component, which should be avoided. https://istio.io/docs/setup/kubernetes/additional-setup/requirements/#ports-used-by-istio For e.g., - cc-uploader ``` ports:...
I would like to start with - [x] P0: Add test "When testing ClusterClass changes [ClusterClass]" (supervisor) (#3011 )
Also would like to pick up a similar one :-) - [ ] P1: Add test "When testing ClusterClass rollouts [ClusterClass]" (supervisor)