
Results 31 issues of zhangenming

React version: ## Steps To Reproduce ```js const dataList = [...Array(50000)].map(() => 1) const d1 = {dataList} const d2 = {dataList} function Apps() {     const [count, setCount] = useState(0)     return...

Status: Unconfirmed

It's not triggered handleBlur unless you tap it manually (click 3 times)(It should be able to reproduce, test on chrome/firefox) as shown in the figure This results in multiple item...

`.map(key => ({ key, val: key }))` `.reduce((acc, cur)=> {acc.push({ key: cur, val: cur}); return acc}, [])` I'm not aware of the performance issues Is there a relatively big impact(reduce...

Very good project, thanks you... now, will only highlight the diff when switchover can you show everything before and after? such as github or git diff?


like shouldComponentUpdate(**nextProps, nextState**) shouldComponentUpdate(**nextProps, nextState**)


https://github.com/KieSun/react-interpretation 这里面的是react本身源码 我用create react app新建一个项目后 怎么把最新的react版本改到和你项目一样的版本呀 目前默认的是16.13.1 怎么改到和你一样的16.8.6 搞了一会没搞成功 - -... 改了新项目最外层的package 貌似并不行 查文档也没找到响应方法 谢谢

根据mdn catch是要返回promise的 这么严重的bug测试为什么不报错呢? 难道这个不是BUG吗? 谢谢... 下面这个测试用例通不过 ```js new Promise((resolve, reject) => { throw new Error('Something failed'); }) .catch(() => { console.error('Do that'); }) .then(()=>console.log(1)) ```