Thank you for your reply. Is cost[u] the travel time from the head of the path to node u? In my network, there is no travel time for each edge....
That is, if the network is a road network, and cost[u] is the distance, then last[w] does not work. Is this true?
Thanks for your reply again. I cannot understand last[w] well. Does the paper contains explanation about last[w]. Takuya Akiba, Yoichi Iwata, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, and Yuki Kawata, Fast Shortest-path Distance Queries...
Thanks. Actually, I try to use your last[w] in my own code of this algorithm. But using last[w] generates wrong result in my code. Could you please help me to...
Addition: I initialize last[] every time for labeling for each path, and I do not use "num" in your code. Is it matter?
Thanks. What do you mean "vertex w is visited from the vertex v first"? I think dist(v,w) is not included in last[w] in your code.
Sorry to ask you again. How can you get "dist(u,w) >= dist(u,v) + dist(v,w)" from "vertex w is visited from the vertex v before the vertex u" ? I think...
Thank you very much. I try to read the code more.