I have fill the form https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbRw1hSTX2waZIoerSk1J6CyNUMTRCUEZCR0lVOVZaTVhLUFVJTjhJUkdXSi4u, but get no replay... Has the dataset been released?
hello what do you mean by "new darknet weight start offset from 1, not 0 (yolov2 weight) "? @milliyang
I figure it out. Because in darknet "net.seen" is changed from int to size_t, so we should sikp 5 instead of 4 before read parameters... header = np.fromfile(fp, count=5, dtype=np.int32)