Y. Zhai
Y. Zhai
- [x] Foreword - @zhaiyusci - [x] Contributors - @zhaiyusci - [x] Preface - @zhaiyusci Section 1: Getting Started with LAMMPS 1 MD Theory and Simulation Practices - [ ]...
I agree about the C++ 11 thing, because it is the beginning of modern C++. About breaking old API, what about mark some of them as deprecated and remove them...
I agree. Vectorization should be the package authors' job, instead of the users'. Or we can recommend an always-multivariable API, say, the user can always assume that the model is...
I also met similar problem, but the error message read ``` docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545:...
Have no idea about check the firewall. I also find the commands are different for Linux distributions. What about checking the status of port instead?
Try to use the version in `master` branch. The released version seems not work with obabel 3.
I have the same problem, but I find that the port 53317 is like blocked by localsend itself... Using `netstat -ano|findstr 53317` in `cmd` and I can find the PID...
I ran into the similar issue right after typing `:Eo`. I comment out lines 72 and 73 of `autoload/esperanto.vim` and it seems the problem was solved. So the file is...