It seems like there is a time limitation of 6 hours for the whole run-tests, not for the script. But after fixing sdc_file path bug, the run time increase significantly....
The new added 3 testcases can work now. After taking vpr_ispd out from nightly_test1 and moving to nightly_test5, both nightly_test1 and nightly_test5 can work now.
The memory leaks are detected at 16 positions. When fixing #2089 , I didn't make the codes with sanitizer, so I didn't find these bugs before. I tried to run...
1. Yes, I run the codes on my desktop. "vtr_strong with sanitizer" failed because of the memory leaks. 2. The fails in python linter is because there were 15 variables...
1. In pack/cluster_placement.cpp: 265 & 278, @jmah76 might forget to delete the construct statement, which result in double constructed in commit id 697d0b1ec619983caaca9acd9c6d09f266b6f5f6. 2. change from "XXX***" to "std::vector&" to...
tbb runtime error on betzgrp-wintermute server @duck2 Code version: 9aa88be8d5c6076859b13f5cd598ad4a23132395 Make with sanitizer: make -k 'CMAKE_PARAMS=-DVTR_ASSERT_LEVEL=3 -DVTR_ENABLE_SANITIZE=ON' -j8 Run command: ./vpr/vpr stratixiv_arch_neuron.timing.xml neuron_stratixiv_arch_timing.blif --route_chan_width 300 --max_router_iterations 400 --router_lookahead map --initial_pres_fac...
> @duck2 : are these tbb sanitizer errors expected? They are very unlikely to have anything to do with what Sitong is working on. If they've been around for a...
> Do they also occur on wintermute? @vaughnbetz Do you mean pchenry machine? I ran on wintermute, runtime errors happened. But there is no these errors on my own desktop....
The check "B:Building VTR" always shows "Expected-Waiting for status to be reported". It can pass all other checks, but stuck in this check. I tried close the branch and reopen,...
Move to PR #2178 for the memory leak bugs of tight floor plan.