
Results 5 issues of zh-Bian

Thanks to your work, the velocyto is very good. And I noticed that there is a parameter '-s' for metadatatable, but the .csv file could only has the information about...

Hi, The TRUST4 could be used in 10X database, and whether it could be used in BD Rhapsody? If it can, whether you could tell me how it works. I...

"'genelen' must be specified when type = 'TPM'!". Different version of genomic has different length? And the file in UCSC is about the whole length, not the cDNA. Could you...

Hi, I am wondering if we used RNA data bulit a metacell, whether we could add the protemic data, like ADT in seurat packages, into the metacell? or we could...

When I use the fuction FindLR, my result has InF in the logFC. How can I deal with it? Or, what number should I use instead? @ywang65 Thank you !