Fangwei Zhong
Fangwei Zhong
Maybe the [UnrealStereo]( project will help you.
Which platform do you use, Mac, Linux or Windows? And where did you load the RR binary?
Your operation seems right. I am sorry for that the problem you met is caused by us when compiling the binary. We will fix it and update new binary. The...
Yeah, the second problem seems caused by the first one. We have updated the RealisticRendering-Windows binary. You can download it from the model zoo and try it again. Have a...
This command would be helpful for you: `vset /object/[obj_name]/color [r] [g] [b]` Set the labeling color of an object
Hi, the 4.22 branch has been updated. Now, it can be successfully complied and packaged in UE4.22.3!
Thank you for your contribution. But I am sorry for that I am not going to merge your request to this project. I think the bugs you met are caused...
Hi, it is feasible to run gym-unrealcv in windows. You just need to prepare windows UE4 binary for your environment and try the `develop` branch.
1. If you find only the agents in the first launched screen do not move, it is OK. 2. Can you report the version of your PyTorch and GPU? I...
Please try the newer version of PyTorch (e.g., 1.7 with CUDA 11), as RTX 3090 does not support the old version of CUDA.