Results 22 issues of CJS

Can someone point me to some examples of using the cdp package with an interactive web page? I see a lot of examples of loading a page and querying the...

## Description Using trivy as a service with a redis backing, it appears that nothing ever clears data from redis. It continued to fill until it hit 100% at which...


@benweet Are there any guides or examples for writing new providers? Instead of a public service like google drive or github I'd like to hit a private resource like gogs...

I see some references to github integration - the request feature in the GUI and a few lines in the wiki, but no clear explanation of what this feature does...

We recently updated from dockle 0.4.2 to 0.4.6 and started getting a lot of CIS-DI-0010 "Suspicious ENV key found" issues. They are absolutely legitimate finds, if I do "docker history...


I've imported a number of like resources into terraform now I want to go back and replace a some hard coded values with references to other terraform resources while preserving...


I'm getting the error "json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field Attachment.messages.attachments.blocks of type slack.Block" while doing api.GetConversationHistory. It appears there is a potential fix here - https://github.com/nlopes/slack/pull/638 but...

The Github web GUI allows you to create branch protection rules without requiring pull request reviews - disallowing delete/force push and limiting the entities that can merge changes, but not...

I'm wanting to set up kiam on an AWS EKS cluster and I'm running into difficulties. All of the kiam walk-throughs I've seen start with creating a kiam-server role with...

I don't think this is an issue with the registry itself, just one of the tests being set up, I think this is supposed to be skipped if the AWS...