Zeynep Gökce
Zeynep Gökce
Hi, I am new in this area as i mentioned before. I am trying to apply fine tuning to this model. In pre-trained model there are 101 classes but i...
Hello everyone, I have a question about training this model with different dataset. When i finetune the c3d model with UCF101 data, there is no problem. But when i change...
### The doc issue Hello, I need a model training code which takes two different inputs, first one comes from pre-trained another model feature and second input from video inputs....
Hi, I want to learn more information about bounding box annotations in [download page](http://youcook2.eecs.umich.edu/static/dat/yc2_bb/yc2_bb.tar.gz) of Youcook2 dataset. There is a json file that contains the bounding box annotations of the...