2024-01-29T02:10:19.392Z INFO livekit.room rtc/room.go:701 closing room {"room": "372413518", "roomID": "RM_MkL28u2kCvmL"} 2024-01-29T02:10:19.392Z INFO livekit service/roommanager.go:131 deleting room state {"room": "372413518"} 2024-01-29T02:10:19.392Z DEBUG livekit.transport rtc/transport.go:1446 leaving events processor {"room": "372413518", "roomID": "RM_MkL28u2kCvmL",...
This issue causes the same `room ”372413518“` to generate the same `roomID ”RM_MkL28u2kCvmL“` a few days later. 2024-02-04T01:34:52.720Z INFO livekit service/roomallocator.go:136 selected node for room {"room": "372413518", "roomID": "RM_MkL28u2kCvmL", "selectedNodeID":...
when I set const publishOptions = { simulcast: false, source: Track.Source.ScreenShare, videoCodec: 'h264', screenShareEncoding: { maxBitrate: 6_000_000, }, } on publishTrack, the error resolution。 “simulcast: false,” is useful parameters,why?
> @zesun96 A couple of questions > > 1. Which codec were you using? VP8 or H.264? > 2. Were you using simulcast? h264, simulcast is default
@boks1971 yeah,I have server log,please ignore ‘ERROR livekit telemetry/analyticsservice.go:100 failed to send stats {"error": "EOF"}’ error。 I not use vp8, vp8 would be prefer? normally I use H264。 [23-0615.txt](https://github.com/livekit/livekit/files/11953119/23-0615.txt)
@boks1971 H.264 without simulcast is useful. Now I set config is > when I set const publishOptions = { simulcast: false, source: Track.Source.ScreenShare, videoCodec: 'h264', screenShareEncoding: { maxBitrate: 6_000_000, },...
I mention **simulcast: false** is a solution way
@boks1971 I try VP8 with simulcast and VP8 without simulcast, there is no significant difference, both are better than H.264 with simulcast. slightly inferior than H.264 without simulcast when switch...
@boks1971 I will test it on Monday。
@boks1971 The problem is not solved