Did you apply #965? The issue in the 0.9.3 release version is, that if there is a map on the server, that has not yet have a vote or it's...
@HaagseSmurf Again ... did you apply #965? If you run PyPlanet 0.9.3 without applying the fix you will run into the issue you are experiencing. The fix is in milestone...
@w1lla I think there is a typo in line 257: `method_teampoints = 'Trackmania.SeTeamPoints'`
I don't know why appveyor fails on I did only change the value 109.5 to 110.5
@tomvlk Should be done, man I am so bad at using git 🤣 I updated it to my latest versions, which also added: - format fixes in some files -...
@tomvlk Ok, thank you very much! I've also prepared a change for a menu (also funcmd) with 2 rows to avoid overlap with list views. But currently if one opens...
@w1lla Thank you so much! I'll will test my prepared change with your scripts then! 🙂
I've made some more adjustments: - ui position fixes - convert player & funcmd menu to two rows to avoid overlapping with the LiveViews (see screenshot below) - add ability...
The modifications are very subtile and maybe not noticable by a lot of people, I simply made most modifications to have same spacing, no overlap and that some fields have...
@tomvlk No worries, I can understand that interface is not the top priority. I am willing to update it, but I can not specify a time frame.