# 🥳 Congratulations 🎉 Congrats on making your first Pull Request in the Zero To Mastery Organization! You have been sent an invitation to join the ZTM github organization, please...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @alexkmckie, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @LucileTech, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @aswal00, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @gsivanithin18, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @gsivanithin18, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @lotirium, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @cinkovic, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
🙏 Thanks for your pull request @BaruBenoni, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects...
# 🥳 Congratulations 🎉 Congrats on making your first Pull Request in the Zero To Mastery Organization! You have been sent an invitation to join the ZTM github organization, please...