ascii-art copied to clipboard
Image scalability issue fixed and Pop up feature created
I have introduced a new feature that generates a pop-up for ASCII art. The benefit of this enhancement is that the program now manages font size and aspect ratio, ensuring a correctly scaled image every time, independent of the user's IDE settings. Users can now select their preferred font size and specify the width of their ASCII artwork in terms of characters.
I have implemented unit tests for all functions that I created or modified, with the exception of 'create_popup.' This function exclusively handles changes to object attributes and receives ASCII art text, which is managed by another function.
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🙏 Thanks for your pull request @alexkmckie, The team will now review and merge this request. In the mean time why not check out some of the other opensource projects available, contributions are greatly appreciated!
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PR Statistics
#️⃣ PR Number: | ➕ Line Additions: | 🗑️ Line Deletions: |
164 | 436 | 0 |
📑 Files Changed: | ⭐ Repo Stars: | 🔱 Total Forks: |
12 | 47 | 227 |