### Description When renaming a variable or a function on typescritp angular project. rename is not working properly renaming unintended names. ### Neovim version NVIM v0.7.0-dev+1392-gdaa8ac051 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT...
I am trying to understand how to implement clean architecture. Is there a chance that you add another domain example not just for Greeting domain? Thanks
Hello good day, I am trying to understand your code sample about the clean architecture. but when reading your code i cant how you create a new domain.Item. my question...
Hello good day, I have wrap_line_length set to 80, but when using the beautifier it will wrap the line if the method(including the paramaters) length reach 31.
Freshly factory reset Samsung A51 Android 12, I am not able to open standard notes it will just crash after opening. Standard Notes version 3.23.8
I tried this on my `.my.cnf` ```cnf [client] pager = pspg -X --quit-if-one-screen ``` But `mysqldump` doesn't like it.
For example I have 3 tab group, "Research", "Social Networking", "Assorted". Then I want the "Assorted" tab to be a default tab when Firefox start, and all the site opened...
This is header is set by the browser automatically https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7210507/ajax-post-error-refused-to-set-unsafe-header-connection/7210840 If manually set it possibly will cause a security risk https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2623963/webkit-refused-to-set-unsafe-header-content-length https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-XMLHttpRequest-20080415/#case-insensitive-match Unless it is for compatibility for HTTP/1.0 https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.4
I got this weird delay on the letter "f" key. when typing then the word has "f" letter, upon pressing it gives a long delay before it typed on. I...
How should I make min-vid always on top on fedora using nightly?