Dmitry Shultz
Dmitry Shultz
- Cloud Code for IntelliJ version: 19.7.2 - OS: Windows 10 **What did you do?** Installed the Cloud Code plugin in my Intellij IDEA (2019.2.1) I have a project with...
**Describe the bug** There are a problem using Square SDK in a project that uses jakarta namespace, it fails trying to load javax.json.JsonException class **Expected behavior** It doesn't fail **To...
I have new mac mini fully updated connected to the USB speakers. When I launched animus i got white screen with no controls at all, had to use Aple +...
Upgraded keycloak from 22.0..4 to 25.0.0 using new keycloakx chart as a drop in replacement - same helm cmd line, same values.yaml. The service starts and fails/CrashLoops. Initial error: Startup...