Results 6 issues of Zeos

Hi, Thank you for developing the BlueMuse 2.0! I noticed a bug, resulting in a crash, when one switches off the Muse Device, and presses refresh. kind regards

Is it possible to integrate an OSC streaming capability, as it was supported by the (now discontinued) MuseDirect. There is also a vast infrastructure and software actively using the OSC...

Hi, I am trying to connect VVVV ( language with Supercollider and I was wondering if it is possible to use the API quark to communicate between the SC server...

Hey, VAudio freaks! How about rethinking the concept of Buffers in VAudio, in a way that is closer to the Supercollider's Buffers and the related UGens (PlayBuf, BufRd, BufWr, OSC,...


Hi, is it possible to add sample interpolation to the Wavetable node? best

Hi there, thanks for the great work! I am currently experimenting with vvvv beta 42 x64 + VL, and I am using Kinect2 in VL + VL.OpenCV 2.6.2. When trying...