Theophilus Alamu

Results 4 comments of Theophilus Alamu

> I have solved this issue, if your app is targeting android 11 then the READ/WRITE EXTERNAL_STORAGE Permissions are ignored, and also `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"` is also ignore but you have to...

> > > I have solved this issue, if your app is targeting android 11 then the READ/WRITE EXTERNAL_STORAGE Permissions are ignored, and also `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"` is also ignore but you...

@awaisabbasaa11 thanks for the response so far... it is difficult adding folioreader as module to project. i want to ask if you can add it to a dummy project and...

> @zeoharlem Sorry for being late, here is a link of demo repository with some customization already done, so to undo any customization please reimport the folio Reader. :)...