Hello Joey, thank you for the response. I still don't understand what's wrong with my first model. And the fact that logpdf(m0(X = [1, 1, 0]), (a=0.8,)) gives zero for...
Thank you Chad, I will have a deeper look here. I still don't understand why m2 = @model N begin a ~ Beta(1,1) X ~ Bernoulli(a) |> iid(N) end; where...
Hi Chad, well, I'm impressed about the traffic in the Soss project these days. So, I didn't have the impression of you idling :-) Cool, yes, that sounds right. It...
Wow. Cool!
Only now trying to find out what xform does here. What ist its outcome? tr seems not to be a model, as rand(tr()) doesn't work. And what is the role...
Hi, is there any documentation for xform? Or examples? m1 = @model N begin a ~ Beta(1,1) X ~ Bernoulli(a) |> iid(N) end; Then `xform(m1(N = 5))` gives me MethodError:...
Ah, of course. *laughs* Hallo Chad! Thank you for the answer. > What are you trying to do Well. I try to understand Soss and probabilistic programming. That's the main...
Ah. Cool. So I did not even have to ask. drnil, your description works here too. Btw., what Did you have to do to get the segfault? I still did...