zengyue ye
zengyue ye
这个 case 补个单测吧
more details ? did not understand what you want...
地图可以参考这个 https://github.com/antvis/F2/blob/master/examples/other/map/demo/map.js
没看明白,在 https://codesandbox.io/ 上建个简单的demo ?
在 https://codesandbox.io/ 上建个demo 吧
可以引用 index-all, 或者引进来再注册下 `Chart.registerInteraction('pie-select', PieSelect);`
> 醉了,官方的示例,凡是引入交互的库都是也报这个错 怎么引的?引`index-all` 也有问题?
感谢 PR,最近比较忙,我今天看下
这个3.x 目前确实是这个逻辑
Yes, smooth will make the curve look better, but it will lose accuracy. If you want to express accurately, it is not recommended to use smooth