【队名】:真的很搞笑 【序号】:6 【论文】:Anchor-DETR-Query-Design-for-Transformer-Based-Object-Detection 【状态】:报名 【repo链接】:https://github.com/zengyao1999/Anchor-DETR-Query-Design-for-Transformer-Based-Object-Detection
I have also trained my custom dataset with yolo-pose, maybe we can share the training process. If you change the number of key points, there are several changes to the...
@nicewiz First make sure your input is OK, including boxes and keypoints, and if you are not a single-class, modify nc and any other parameters involved. I modified the same...
@nicewiz How do you set the sigmas parameter for object keypoints similarity, is it custom? Or try to modify the formula of oks,like [this](https://github.com/TexasInstruments/edgeai-yolov5/pull/48/commits/d1f8421dbf6474a5b1dac500e0a6ef587ad3f557) ,in addition you can also see...
> > @nicewiz First make sure your input is OK, including boxes and keypoints, and if you are not a single-class, modify nc and any other parameters involved. I modified...
@SashaAlderson I used your method, the key point offset phenomenon disappeared, thank you very much!
> lkpt += kpt_loss_factor*((1 - torch.exp(-d/(s*(4*sigmas**2)+1e-9)))*kpt_mask).mean() 它实际上会影响关键点的偏移量 > > > @SashaAlderson损失函数没有问题。我已经重新训练了模型,它们工作正常。我将在几天内更新模型。 工大大佬好!