
Results 20 issues of zengwb-lx

I trained a face tracking model with HRnet18, and the tracking performance was good (it could be tracked back within 1S after being lost)But not fast enough in the 2070S(about...

你好,add_mask如果一张图有两个脸的话,无法同时给两个脸加上口罩,在遍历face_lms时会把前一次加的口罩去除掉,有什么好的建议修改加载一图多脸的情况吗? 谢谢

I'm going to train a object detection model, But my training set only has 50 pictures,Can you give me some good advice,

why Regression loss coefficient. is 0.001, deep-head-pose set alpha is 1 or 2

你好, 我使用我的pytorch转的onnx模型,获取input_map时只获取了数据输入的节点input {'input0': name: "input0" type { tensor_type { elem_type: 1 shape { dim { dim_value: 1 } dim { dim_value: 3 } dim { dim_value: 112 } dim {...

您好, 看到mobilefacenet-res2/4-***的精度都比mobilefacenet高很多,请问这些模型相对于mobilefacenet修改了什么? 能开源训练代码给我吗?谢谢

In the real world, How to set the optimal threshold for recognition?any tricks?

Thanks a lot for sharing amazing code!! But the Python version is still not fast enough, can you provide C++ version

1.使用的2.8.0版本预编译库,在window10 和android(adb方式)测试,代码如下: ![image](https://github.com/alibaba/MNN/assets/52445450/c77133f0-69aa-43c6-9a41-bd3c3c643183) 在window10 和android(adb方式)使用cpu、opencl、cuda后端识别都是对的,使用vulkan结果却不对 人像风格迁移模型,麻烦帮忙看下什么问题 [cartoon_mnn.zip](https://github.com/alibaba/MNN/files/13768409/cartoon_mnn.zip)
