
Results 69 comments of zzzzzj1994

19G 怎么传送? 我开个百度网盘吧

the shape of your label is not matched. you should covert your current mask file into gray mode and get the shape like below: ` img size: (4000, 2248) img...

emmm, I think she will not understand chinese ...

@NUS-Tim does the mask file generate more value other than 0 and 1?

please upload the details for sovling the problem.

`ffmpeg -f image2 -i {}/%05d.jpg -b 5000k -c:v mpeg4 {}` decrease params b

`cv2.cvtColor(arr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)`

@sainivedh thank you , i will look into FastMOT later. I am using FairMOT which is faster than two-stage MOT model, and i think it is what i wanted.

you should modify the code like blow: ``` anchors = model.module.module_list[jj].anchor_vec if multi_gpu else model.module_list[jj].anchor_vec anchors = anchors.to(targets.device) gain[2:] = torch.tensor(p[i].shape)[[3, 2, 3, 2]] # xyxy gain gain = gain.to(targets.device)...

Whether you test the script with your custom dataset or not ? If do, you should change the classes and the filter number in the model config file, they should...