
Results 8 comments of zengfr曾繁荣

> imsiMd5 is not passwordMD5 is use MiraiAndroid app , login qq in android , and export device json info imsiMd5 size is 32. qq app version >= in android...

看不到图片 找我联系方式 私发我 谢谢啦

拿到 channel可以和任意设备通信 见 quick start 4.1.

后续会有实例demo.目前只有简单testCase https://github.com/zengfr/stepchain/blob/master/stepchain/src/test/java/com/github/zengfr/project/stepchain/test/PipelineTest.java

> 这个设计明显是简单问题复杂设计,很多东西特别绕。没有commons pipeline结构清晰 简单问题不用框架 等你项目复杂到一定程度用上就能明白了

if you use Weights\ WeightLabels and model , you should reload model. like this is OK: SaveModel and LoadModel parameter.WeightLabels = lableFeaturesBuilder.CreateWeightLables("行政湖景双床房").ToArray(); parameter.Weights = new double[] { 1.90, 1.90, 1.90,...