Zeng Fanfan

Results 6 comments of Zeng Fanfan

i strongly ask for the support of EAP, cause EAP is almost appllied everywhere! do we have some plan to support this stuff? or are we supported? thanks!

i fix it like this: (and it works well enough for me) ```$('input.picker').attr('status', 'hidden'); $('input.picker').click(function(){ status = $(this).attr('status'); if (status=='shown'){ $(this).datetimepicker('hide'); $(this).attr('status', 'hidden'); }else{ $(this).attr('status', 'shown'); $(this).datetimepicker('show'); } }); ```...

> In widondows, can compile like this: `gcc lgbk.c -I lua_header_path -L lua_lib_path -llua53 -s -mdll -O2 -DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL -o gbk.dll` not sure why, but this did nothing in my environment....

when i checked it again, it happen sometimes, but sometimes noe. odd....

it works fine ! no bug happen again! close ! v_v

It still bugs, even in the official demo https://jsfiddle.net/djibe89/vL87w0j8/