I have Version 1.4.2 I don't mean the shortcuts inside the program. I mean these buttons on the keyboard:[http://www.hardwarelogic.com/articles/reviews/misc/LogitechWave/MediaButtons.jpg](url) It would be very nice if I don't have to switch...
Looks like some of these using Google Sans as font
@keeferrourke @aotsishd I think Gogland is now called simply Goland so you may edit the name in your posts :wink:
Would like to have this feature too! @erickzanardo On android ist not too complicated (https://stackoverflow.com/a/29128037, https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaPlayer.html#setDataSource(android.content.Context,%2520android.net.Uri,%2520java.util.Map%3Cjava.lang.String,%2520java.lang.String%3E)) but I don't know about iOS. It would probably be best if you pass...
Maybe this is helpful for iOS: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15456130/add-custom-header-field-in-request-of-avplayer