
Results 5 issues of ZekeSulastin

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm looking for a way to edit the EEPROM-based layout from Chrysalis without actually needing Chrysalis installed - it's a...


#### Brief description of the issue Once gas is added to the cold loop of the engine, the pressure and temperature will immediately jump (in the test case, to about...

Map: Cynosure

#### Brief description of the issue There is no icon of the advanced energy gun on the player when the advanced energy gun is in your belt slot #### What...


#### Brief description of the issue When you change languages mid-sentence while speaking on the radio, the system auto-capitalizes after each language change #### What you expected to happen Only...

#### Brief description of the issue When using *qwag to continually wag a tajaran's tail, changing direction stops the wag. #### What you expected to happen Wagging to continue no...