Zeke Farwell
Zeke Farwell
I would find a setting for 12 hour + AM/PM opening hours very helpful. Pretty much all opening hours signs in my country are posted in 12 hour time, and...
I 100% agree and have tried to make the shields show up sooner for primary and secondary roads. Unfortunately, the required data is not available in the vector tiles at...
Thanks for working on this! For unpaved tracks, do you think we might be able to do just a dashed double line as is typical on USGS maps? Essentially dashed...
> this is how it is currently implemented on the branch Oh! Sorry I was just looking at the screenshots and it looked to me like there was a dashed...
> A paved track doesn't seem really very distinct from a paved service road to me -- they're so close in real-world meaning that they hardly make sense to differentiate....
> I thought grade1 is always paved? In typical OSM fashion it is "_Usually_ a paved surface" 😉 ([tracktype wiki page](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tracktype)). If there is no `surface` tag and only `tracktype=grade1`...
I think the knockout alone works fine for roads and railways at low zoom as it reduces clutter. At higher zoom I think showing bridges more explicitly in some way...
I'm running into similar issues. Most likely a duplicate of #12758. It seems that in version 22.04, Ubuntu has [disabled using UDP as the transport for NFS mounts](https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/24668), regardless of...
Maybe we should make the default something other than the black and white rounded rectangle so it's clearer when the default fallback is being used vs routes that intentionally use...
Because it works via the [styleimagemissing event](https://maplibre.org/maplibre-gl-js-docs/api/map/#map.event:styleimagemissing), the shield rendering code is more of a MapLibre extension than a part of the style itself. I think this means that another...