Zeh Fernandes
Zeh Fernandes
### Summary Using the code below from the [documentation](https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/sqlite/). It takes a while to load large files (20-60MB); shouldn't it be fast since it's copying a file already on the...
pt-BR is a support language https://github.com/meetDeveloper/freeDictionaryAPI/blob/87b6ebabde3ec59b02932c448bb89acb473a985a/modules/utils.js#L24 But the api is not return the definition: https://api.dictionaryapi.dev/api/v2/entries/pt-BR/teste https://api.dictionaryapi.dev/api/v2/entries/pt-br/teste
Remove or show a error if the user input a url with http https://github.com/zehfernandes/get-vercel-source-code/blob/main/index.js#L27
- Select Artboards - Open screener modal with mockups - Generate Keynote
Hey Guys, Just add some future ideas for the project. I describe and mockup them in this text: http://zehfernandes.com/bookmark-is-dead/ `Articles that I Read last week` - articles = pages with...
Hey, To solve the problem of creating new breakpoints and update them along the project. I try to create the most **unobtrusive breakpoint generator**. I love the simplicity and the...
- Update Expo SDK - New Architecture - Fix keyboard appearance