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Thelema - 3D graphics engine, written in Kotlin. Based on sources of libGDX.


Thelema Engine

Awesome Kotlin Badge Discord

Thelema is Kotlin Multiplatform 3D graphics engine. It was based on libGDX sources and completely redesigned.



  • Entities and components to work with scenes
  • Shaders
    • Shader nodes (shader graph)
    • Deferred shading
    • Physicaly based rendering (PBR)
    • Bloom, Emissive materials
    • SSAO
    • Cascaded shadow mapping, Soft shadows
    • Motion blur
    • IBL
  • 3D graphics
    • VBO, VAO, UBO, Instancing buffers
    • Skinned meshes
    • Particle system
    • Lights: directional, point
    • glTF 2.0 loading
  • Audio
    • Ogg/Vorbis loading
    • WAV loading
    • Procedural sound generation
  • JSON
  • Image loading from JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC
  • ODE physics
  • Platforms: Desktop JVM, Kotlin/Native, Kotlin/JS, Android

logo Thelema Studio - 3D Editor

Work in progress

  • GUI (redesign)
  • 3D Audio API (redesign)
  • Navigation mesh
  • Vulkan API
  • Terrain rendering