When you use express-generator to create boilerplate auto-install deletes some of the modules: `debug` and `hbs` Unfortunately hbs isn't required anywhere else, I guess the `view engine` makes assumptions as...
After sorting the list (note that "Óin" falls after "Thrór" ``` Nár Ori Telchar Thorin Thráin Thrór Óin ```
I use shift+enter inside a code block to add a line... it works fine. Then I go to the beginning of the code block and do the same thing and...
**Quick, short summary:** Seemless Angular minification **Expected results:** I'd like to just enable minification and have my angular JS just work. explains why minification kills angular JS by default...
Any thoughts on adding an `.or()` operation? I would like to specify something like: min 8, max 100 Use a capitol letter, a lower case letter, and a symbol OR...
The HTML at the bottom is a result from running juice on. You will note that the table td has 3 classes, none of which expand into styles ## Before...
I'm a bit confused on the examples. I created a `Stripe.jsx` file: ```js import React, { Component } from 'react' import makeAsyncScriptLoader from 'react-async-script' class Stripe extends Component { constructor...
On my desktop mac Afterglow works great. On my macbook it is oddly inconsistent. The package.json file shows as a gear icon rather than as `{}` icon like it does...
I have a _really_ weird situation. I have four timers (setIntervals()) which are running. Two only fire once per day. One fires once per hour on the hour, and the...
Below is some code I consider pretty simple and straightforward. The output (below) is I would expect, _except_ that it acts as though I'm wanting it to operate on UTC...