Dump with Error()/String() if possible, like `fmt`, `spew`. A `DisableMethods` config added, controlling the `Error()`, `String()`(should include `LittleDump`?) method invoking or not. May be a solution of https://github.com/sanity-io/litter/issues/12.
For basic types like `int8`, we can define some string enumerations for those types. Can `RegTypeUnmarshal` allow those types, restrict `Unmarshal` for real basic types, not user-defined types with underlying...
gRPC 协议下出现, https://github.com/cloudwego/kitex/blob/38eb963902e01c5402c0d168be964a152df7572f/pkg/remote/trans/nphttp2/codes.go#L63 这一行,业务方传的 error 可能是不能作为 map 的 key 的,这种情况下,kitex 这行会 panic: ``` error=runtime error: hash of unhashable type mongo.CommandError ```
Follow this [pv tutorial](https://github.com/arun-gupta/couchbase-kubernetes/blob/master/pv/readme.adoc.) When I deleted a pod in rc, chances are will k8s start a new pod on another node. Meanwhile, the ebs volume is still attached to...