Zack Keller
Zack Keller
Same issue happens with Flow's game mode enabled. It's not freeing the shortcut and alt+space just stops working in other applications (Krita/SAI2 in my case). Exiting the launcher frees the...
It was fine up until the last update. V184 started interfering with EAC again. 
Encountered the same problem today while using the Everything Lite installer. Using Everything Portable with Everything Service fixed the problem.
Seems like it happens on other distros too. Encountered this bug 3 times already. Once on 6.3.7 and twice on 6.3.9. ### Environment - Model: Surface Book 2 - Kernel...
Looks like it might have solved the problem on Fedora though. I haven't seen a single kernel panic during shutdown so far. Gonna test it for a few more days.
It started happening to me too again, fresh install of Fedora 40 KDE. Same device as before, Surface Book 2 (no dgpu), kernel 6.8.8-1, secure boot off. Shutdown freezes shortly...
Switched to Pop_OS! a week ago. Still getting random panics on shutdown after IPTSD fails to stop and have to force shutdown by holding the power button. Kernel 6.9.3-surface-2. [journalctl.log](